February 2021 Start List

Minor modifications from January’s list.

6.00 pm Mari J, Ron.

6.01 pm Diane, Sue

6.02 Kath S, John L-T, Bronwen

6.03 Claire Sp, Rhian WJ, Meirion, Alison

6.04.00 Helen D, Nicola, LittleKath, Caz

6.05.00 Ruth,  Andy M, John G, Dizzy Liz

6.06.00 Paul J, Jess

6.07.00  Gwenan,  Jeff, Dawn, Rebekah

6.08.30 Ed, Ieuan, Rob, Sarah, Julie, Katherine E

6.12.oo Menai, Bob, Roger, David Sp, Will A, Rhodri

6.12.30 Chris, Anwen, Dan S, Jon, Mark

6.14.00 Carys, Ian J, Abigail

6.14.30 Ruari, Gerwyn, Lisa, Kate W,

6.15.00 Arwel, Fred, Peter L

6.16.00 Luke, Chris R, Gareth P, Mari W, Alaw, Lee, Rachael E

6.16.30 Elen, Suzi, Sioned, Paul G

6.17.30 Ceri D, Victoria, Duncan

6.18.00 Katy B, Catherine TJ, Tony B

6.18.30 Rhian

6.19.00 Gareth, Hywel, Phil, Steve, Emma, Mel

6.19.30 Owen, David B

6.20.00 Adam, Mat

6.20.30 Vic

6.21.30 Brett, Glenn

6.22.00 Dan J, Huw

6.22.30 Joe

6.24.00 Tony W, Shaun

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Winter ‘Virtual’ Handicap January Results

Another chance to hit the mud but over just 5.5K – same course as the recent summer series starting and finishing on the stone track at the 90 degree corner of Goblin farm field. This is a rolling results page – final result after dusk on Monday 4th January 2021. The record for this relatively new course which we only started doing in March 2020 is 21m45 (Shaun on fairly dry terrain in the April).

Dreadfully wet and muddy out there all of the extended weekend. Despite the overnight frosts it was never cold enough to freeze and benefit those doing it on any particular day. My frozen feet reminded me of the situation at Baschurch in the XC season a couple of years ago when, for those of you not there, we went through a knee deep river on each lap in freezing temperatures.

Congratulations to Mel for just managing to slide (virtually) in front of Emma!

………………………..Virtual Finishing time…………….Actual time

1st Mel…………………….6.48.04 pm…………………………….29m34

2nd Emma…………………6.48.05 pm……………………………29m35

3rd Vic………………………6.48.18 pm…………………………….28m18

4th Tony B…………………6.48.19 pm…………………………….30m49

5th Peter L…………………6.48.19 pm…………………………….32m49

6th Rachael E…………….6.49.01 pm…………………………….32m31

7th Tony W………………..6.49.10 pm…………………………….25m10

8th Duncan………………..6.49.15 pm…………………………….31m45

9th David B………………..6.49.21 pm…………………………….29m51

10th Lee……………………..6.49.28 pm……………………………32m58

11th Anwen ………………..6.50.05 pm…………………………….36m05

12th Fred…………………….6.50.19 pm…………………………….34m19

13th Chris……………………6.50.30 pm…………………………….36m30

14th Ed……………………….6.51.36 pm……………………………..41m36

15th Menai………………….6.52.21 pm………………………………38m21

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New Year Virtual Handicap

Using the start list from November ,with suitable modifications, this is intended to be a 3 day rolling event like the Johnson’s Monument event but is on the latest 5.5K Handicap course starting in the Goblin Farm field (beyond the bridge) and is 2 laps of the loop from the stone steps to Ystrad Road, and back to the field. Notional finishing times achieved from dawn on 31st December will be listed as being after 6pm on January 3rd (after dusk).

6.00 pm Mari J, Ron.

6.01 pm Diane, Sue

6.03 Kath S, John L-T, Bronwen

6.05 Claire Sp, Rhian WJ, Meirion, Alison

6.06.00 Helen D, Nicola, LittleKath, Caz

6.07.00 Ruth,  Andy M, John G, Dizzy Liz

6.08.00 Paul J, Jess

6.09.00  Gwenan,  Jeff, Dawn, Rebekah

6.10.00 Ed, Ieuan, Rob, Sarah, Julie, Katherine E

6.13.00 Dan S, Roger, David Sp, Will A

6.14.00 Bob, Menai, Jon, Chris B, Anwen, Mark J, Carys

6.14.30 Ian J

6.15.00 Abigail, Ruari, Gerwyn, Lisa, Kate W,

6.15.30 Peter, Arwel,

6.16.00 Fred

6.16.30 Luke, Chris R, Gareth P, Mari W, Alaw, Lee, Rachael E

6.17.00 Elen, Suzi, Sioned, Paul G

6.17.30 Ceri D, Victoria, Tony B, Duncan

6.18.00 Katy B, Catherine TJ

6.18.30 Emma, Mel, Rhian

6.19.00 Gareth, Hywel, Phil, Steve

6.19.30 Owen, David B

6.20.00 Adam, Mat, Vic

6.21.30 Brett, Glenn

6.22.00 Dan J, Huw

6.22.30 Joe

6.24.00 Tony W, Shaun

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Johnson’s Records after 2020 ‘virtual’ event

With the enclosure of the Leisure Centre fields and the new cycle path the course is back to pre 2017 length – pretty much exactly 6 miles. The original 1992 course started at the front of the LC where the present pedestrian traffic lights are – making that 10K. In 2009 and 2010 we had to go back onto the road over the hump-back bridge to finish due to the LC field being fenced in (before it was gated). So those two years were a bit over 10K.

I have included all people who have done sub 50 minutes, and very old people get recognised for suitably adjusted thresholds.

Senior Ladies: Rhian 46m44 (2010); Pauline 47m27 (2012); Ceri B 49m17 (2016); Tracey 49m19 (2002); Katy B 52m39 (2020); Elen B 56m58 (2018); Rachael E 57m32 (2020); Mari 57m35 (2020); Lee 57m37 (2020)

Senior Men: Fred 39m07 (1992); Shaun 40m09 (2018); Andy B 40m40 (2011); Tony W 41m15 (2020); Phil 47m39 (2018); Huw 48m17 (2018)

F40: Tracey 50m00 (2004); Victoria 50m12 (2014); Claire 53m15 (2010); Brenda 55m31 (2004); Sarah 55m32 (2007); Anwen 58m37 (2016); Abigail 63m45 (2020)

M40: Brett 42m57 (2011); Alun (2005) and Arwel (2002) 43m55; Glen 44m20 (2017b); Ed R 45m03 (2007); Duncan 45m40 (2002); Geraint 47m26 (2007); Keith 49m57 (2007); Dan S.50m10 (2015)

F45: Emma 46m37 (2011); Tracey 49m26 (2013); Mel 51m04 (2020); Budge 56m50 (2007); Bethan 57m54 (2016); Carys 58m08 (2019); Anwen 62m09 (2020)

M45: Peter A 43m35 (2009); Glen 43m58 (2018); Alun 45m13 (2011); Paul B 45m24 (2005); Chris 45m34 (2003); Owen 46m41 (2016); David Bk 47m42 (2012); Duncan 48m34 (2007); Martyn F 48m48 (2013); Steve G 49m26 (2018)

F50: Tracey 48m58 (2016); Emma  49m43 (2016); Ceri D 49m53 (2015); Budge 51m43 (2009); Mary 60m 57 (2013); Menai 62m20 (2013)

M50: Vic 43m43 (2013); Martin C 45m22 (2007); Owen 45m35 (2019); Ken 46m51 (2003); Chris 46m55 (2004); Duncan 47m06 (2010); Mat 47m47 (2018); Peter A 48m17 (2014); Bob 48m38 (2003); Alun 48m54 (2014); Dally 49m00 (2002); Tony B 49m11 (2014); Martyn F 49m40 (2016)

F55: Emma 50m10 (2019); Menai 58m11 (2016); Vicky 79m31 (2012)

M55: Vic 44m13 (2015); Martin C 44m28 (2011); David B 45m34 (2016); Tony B 49m07 (2016); Chris 49m53 (2011); Peter E 50m51 (2009); Fred 51m 42 (2013); Bob 52m48 (2007); Mike H 53m19 (2015); Ian J 56m23 (2018); Peter L 57m08 (2019)

F60: Menai 60m51 (2018); Rachel 78m21 (2013); Vicky C 80m00 (2016)

M60: Martin C 46m06 (2013); Vic 47m13 (2020); Fred 49m00 (2016); David B 50m19 (2019); Chris 52m14 (2014); Duncan 52m32 (2019); Peter E 53m06 (2014); Arwel 55m56 (2019); Ron 58m24 (2002); Bob 58m35 (2014); Peter L 59m07.

M65: Dave S 53m23 (2014); Ron 54m53 (2003); Bob 55m39 (2016); Fred 58m24 (2020); Gerry 61m00 (2002)

M70: Ron 61m53 (2010)

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2020 Johnson’s Monument Handicap Results

A 5 day rolling ‘virtual’ event in view of the sudden Tier 4 restrictions. Final list will be from the times provided on individual garmin/strava watches and posted on the club facebook site before dusk on Wednesday 23rd December.

Dreadful ground conditions due to sodden fields, churned-up gateways and slippy stones and stiles. Still raining most days. Nevertheless some people actually did it twice to improve their times! Hardest year (apart from when it snowed in 2017) since late 1990s, marginally offset by the new 600 metres of tarmac at the end. Tony W and Katy improved their previous bests and are rewarded with the individual prizes – the Shield to Tony and the Battered Cup (first of the opposite gender) to Katy. Mel also knocked 45 seconds or so off her best on her second attempt. Welcome to newbies Lee, Rachael, and Abigail. On the M60 list Peter L makes his sub 60 appearance and Vic enters in 2nd place with his fantastic 47m13. Hopefully we will have a Dinner sometime to present prizes (probably next August).

……………………Finishing time……..Actual time

1st Tony W…………….11.19.15…………….41m15

2nd Shaun……………..11.19.53……………41m53

3rd Duncan…………..11.20.11………………56m11

4th Vic………………….11.20.13……………..47m13

5th Mat…………………11.20.16…………….48m16*

6th Katy B…………….11.20.39…………….52m39

7th Emma…………….11.20.56…………….50m56

8th Mel………………..11.21.04………………51m04

9th Anwen…………….11.22.09…………….62m09

10th Fred……………….11.22.24…………….58m24

11th David B…………..11.22.28…………….50m28

12h Lee………………….11.22.37…………….57m37

13th Elen………………..11.22.38…………….57m38

14th Owen………………11.22.55…………….49m55

15th Tony B…………….11.22.58…………….55m58

16th Huw………………..11.23.03…………….49m03***

17th Peter……………….11.23.07…………….59m07

18th Roger……………..11.23.23……………..65m23

19th Arwel………………11.23.29…………….59m29

20th Mari………………..11.23.35…………….57m35

21st Dawn………………11.23.50…………….73m50**

22nd Menai………………11.24.17……………..64m17

23rd Bob………………….11.24.18…………….64m18

24th = Ian Jones ……..11.25.45……………..63m45

24th = Abigail………….11.25.45……………..63m45.

Also Rachael E  not handicapped – 57m32.

*With short-cut and a bit added on afterwards (Not therefore ‘official’).

** Extra 0.6 miles.  Time given is corrected calculation at average pace for 6.04 miles (‘official’ because did the whole course plus. And didn’t win).

***Extra 0.62 miles. As above.

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Johnson’s Monument Race Records

Johnson’s Records before 2020 race

With the enclosure of the Leisure Centre fields and the new cycle path the course is back to pre 2017 length – pretty much exactly 6 miles. The original 1992 course started at the front of the LC where the present pedestrian traffic lights are – making that 10K. In 2009 and 2010 we had to go back onto the road over the hump-back bridge to finish due to the LC field being fenced in (before it was gated). So those two years were a bit over 10K.

I have included all people who have done sub 50 minutes, and very old people get recognised for suitably adjusted thresholds.

Senior Ladies: Rhian 46m44 (2010); Pauline 47m27 (2012); Ceri B 49m17 (2016); Tracey 49m19 (2002); Katy B 53m13 (2019); Elen B 56m58 (2018)

Senior Men: Fred 39m07 (1992); Shaun 40m09 (2018); Andy B 40m40 (2011); Tony W 42m42 (2017b); Phil 47m39 (2018); Huw 48m17 (2018)

F40: Tracey 50m00 (2004); Victoria 50m12 (2014); Claire 53m15 (2010); Brenda 55m31 (2004); Sarah 55m32 (2007); Anwen 58m37 (2016)

M40: Brett 42m57 (2011); Alun (2005) and Arwel (2002) 43m55; Glen 44m20 (2017b); Ed R 45m03 (2007); Duncan 45m40 (2002); Geraint 47m26 (2007); Keith 49m57 (2007); Dan S.50m10 (2015)

F45: Emma 46m37 (2011); Tracey 49m26 (2013); Mel 51m43 (2019); Budge 56m50 (2007); Bethan 57m54 (2016); Carys 58m08 (2019)

M45: Peter A 43m35 (2009); Glen 43m58 (2018); Alun 45m13 (2011); Paul B 45m24 (2005); Chris 45m34 (2003); Owen 46m41 (2016); David Bk 47m42 (2012); Duncan 48m34 (2007); Martyn F 48m48 (2013); Steve G 49m26 (2018)

F50: Tracey 48m58 (2016); Emma  49m43 (2016); Ceri D 49m53 (2015); Budge 51m43 (2009); Mary 60m 57 (2013); Menai 62m20 (2013)

M50: Vic 43m43 (2013); Martin C 45m22 (2007); Owen 45m35 (2019); Ken 46m51 (2003); Chris 46m55 (2004); Duncan 47m06 (2010); Mat 47m47 (2018); Peter A 48m17 (2014); Bob 48m38 (2003); Alun 48m54 (2014); Dally 49m00 (2002); Tony B 49m11 (2014); Martyn F 49m40 (2016)

F55: Emma 50m10 (2019); Menai 58m11 (2016); Vicky 79m31 (2012)

M55: Vic 44m13 (2015); Martin C 44m28 (2011); David B 45m34 (2016); Tony B 49m07 (2016); Chris 49m53 (2011); Peter E 50m51 (2009); Fred 51m 42 (2013); Bob 52m48 (2007); Mike H 53m19 (2015); Ian J 56m23 (2018); Peter L 57m08 (2019)

F60: Menai 60m51 (2018); Rachel 78m21 (2013); Vicky 80m00 (2016)

M60: Martin C 46m06 (2013); Fred 49m00 (2016); David B 50m19 (2019); Chris 52m14 (2014); Duncan 52m32 (2019); Peter E 53m06 (2014); Arwel 55m56 (2019); Ron 58m24 (2002); Bob 58m35 (2014)

M65: Dave S 53m23 (2014); Ron 54m53 (2003); Bob 55m39 (2016); Fred 58m24 (2020); Gerry 61m00 (2002)

M70: Ron 61m53 (2010)

Most races run in sub 50: Women; Tracey, 4. Men; Chris, 10. Duncan may have done 10 if sub 50 in 1992 and 1993 and 2000 which was quite likely but my full results only go from 2002 (after taking over the handicapping from Dally). Tracey and Chris also have 3x sub 51, two of which were on the longer courses of 2009 and 2010.

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2020 Official Johnson’s Handicap Race – 20th December.

Your chance to end the year on a positive note in what I think is the 29th edition of this prestigious club event. The current course is only just over 6 miles (6.04 on several different Garmins) and has recently changed, marginally, with a finish on tarmac down the new cycle path. The original, which started and finished at the front of the Leisure Centre alongside the pedestrian traffic lights (which didn’t then exist) was closer to 10K but after the carpark was extended circa 1996 it was felt dangerous to  run across it and so the distance became 6 miles. The finish in 2009 and 2010 had to be back along the road due to fences around the fields and so they were slightly longer races.  We are hoping to have cake and coffee in the carpark afterwards. Silly hats may be worn.

09.50am Tracey (walking)

10.00am Mari J, Ron.

10.02 Diane, Sue

10.03 Kath S, John L-T, Bronwen

10.05 Claire Sp, Rhian WJ, Meirion, Sian

10.07 Helen D, Nicola, LittleKath, Caz, Rebekah, Jess

10.08 Ruth, Andy M, John G, Dizzy Liz

10.10 Katherine E, Paul J, Dawn, Julie

10.11 Ieuan, Jeff

10.12 Gwenan

10.13 Rob, Ed

10.14 Sarah

10.18 Dan S, Roger, David Sp, Will A

10.20 Bob, Menai, Mark J, Chris, Anwen

10.21 Jon, Kate W, Carys

10.22 Ian J, Abigail, Ruari, Gerwyn

10.24 Peter, Fred, Arwel, Suzi, Duncan

10.25 Lisa, Lee, Elen

10.26 Luke, Chris R, Gareth P, Mari W, Alaw, Victoria

10.27  Tony B

10.28 Katy B, Sioned, Ceri D

10.30 Emma, Mel, Rhian, Catherine TJ

10.31 Paul G

10. 32 Gareth, Hywel, Phil, David B, Mat

10.33 Vic, Owen, Steve, Adam

10.34 Huw, Brett, Glen

10.36 Dan J,  Joe

10.38 Tony W, Shaun

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Pre- Johnson’s weekend results (14th/15th November).

Fairly atrocious weather on both days and a paucity of people competing, but some confirmation that the handicaps are in the right ball-park. Anwen and Chris are clearly not as used to imbibing the weekend falling-down water as some we know, but plenty of time to get that aspect up to speed before the real thing on 20th December. That is the annual opportunity to gain everlasting fame with your name on the perpetual trophy (or the ‘battered cup’), or perhaps go for a listing under the ‘age group best’ heading. This year there are new M60s in particular, and possibly the chance to see Shaun or Tony W get at Fred’s overall record. The times below are gathered together as though one race.

………………………….Finishing time…..Actual time

1st Emma………………11.20.43…………….50:43

2nd Bob………………..11.20.54……………..60:54

3rd David………………11.20.57……………..48:57

4th Arwel……………….11.21.00…………….57:00

5th =Mel……………….11.21.??……………..50:33 (late start)

5th = Vic………………..11.21.06 …………..48:06

7th Elen ……………….11.21.56……………..56:56

8th Anwen…………….11.21.58……………..61:58

9th Menai……………..11.22.09…………….62:09

10th Peter……………..11.22.19……………..58:19

11th Tony B…………..11.23.05…………….55:05

12th Katy………………11.23.10……………..53:10

13th = Julie……………11.25.41……………..72:41

13th = Ian………………11.25.41……………..72:41

dnf – Chris – drifting off Bob’s pace when fortuitously fell over. But solo effort on 26/11/20 was done in 60:47, giving a notional finish time of 11.21.47am.


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Pre-Johnson’s Start List. November 2020.

An up to date handicap start list for 6 miles of tough XC, should we wish to take advantage of reduced restrictions to get a proper race in. Due to varying commitments there will be two races – one on Saturday 14th November and one on Sunday 15th. I will correlate the results into one grand narrative afterwards.

10.00am Mari J, Ron.

10.02 Diane, Sue

10.03 Kath S, John L-T, Bronwen

10.05 Claire Sp, Rhian WJ, Meirion

10.07 Helen D, Nicola, LittleKath, Caz

10.08 Ruth, Andy M, John G, Dizzy Liz

10.10 Katherine E, Paul J, Rebekah, Jess, Dawn

10.12 Gwenan,  Jeff

10.13 Rob, Julie

10.14 Ieuan, Sarah, Ed

10.18 Dan S, Roger, David Sp, Will A

10.20 Bob, Menai, Mark J

10.21 Chris, Jon, Anwen, Kate W

10.22 Ian J, Abigail, Ruari, Gerwyn

10.24 Peter, Carys, Arwel

10.25 Sioned, Lisa, Fred, Elen

10.26 Luke, Chris R, Gareth P, Mari W, Alaw, Lee

10.27 Victoria, Ceri D, Suzi

10.28 Duncan, Tony B

10.30 Emma, Mel, Katy B, Rhian, Catherine TJ

10.31 Paul G

10. 32 Gareth, Hywel, Phil, David B, Mat

10.33 Vic, Owen, Steve, Adam

10.34 Huw, Brett, Glen

10.36 Dan J,  Joe

10.38 Tony W, Shaun

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Winter Handicap Results Oct.30th-1st Nov.

A morass, with intermittent rain and gusty westerly winds. Approx 12C.  This is a rolling table of results, to be updated on Monday 2nd November.

Final results below. The comparison with the drier conditions at the beginning of the month is striking. Remarkable strength shown by Peter who got closest to his previous time and had completed a similarly muddy marathon (4 Johnson’s plus a bit) only 48 hours before.  We tend to see these conditions in March rather than autumn but the long range forecast suggests November will be drier.

……………………….Actual time..Oct 6th time…Virtual finishing time…..Points

1st Vic…………………27:36…………—……………………6.47.06………………….1/1

2nd Emma…………..29:53………..—……………………6.47.53………………….2/1

3rd Mel……………….29:54……….27:48………………..6.47.54………………….3/1

4th Peter………………32:28………32:12………………..6.47.58………………….4/1

5th David B………….28:51……….27:08………………..6.48.21…………………5/1

6th Chris……………..34:44……….33:56……………….6.48.44………………….6/1

7th Anwen…………..35:08………..33:41………………..6.49.08…………………7/1

8th Tony B……………31:38………..29:30……………….6.49.38…………………8/1

9th Menai……………..35:51………..34:17………………..6.49.51…………………9/1

10th Elen………………33:28……….30:26……………….6.50.28………………..10/1


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