“The weather was ok although it was a little windy in places certainly nicer than the heat from a year ago. I started off steadily but had a small niggle in my right leg after 2 Miles. I was slightly worried but luckily it turned out to be nothing much and did not affect me negatively. If anything it made me a little more cautious and so I ran sensibly and eventually managed to run a negative split. The first half was completed in 1:26:14 so I knew I needed to be faster for a PB which stood at 2:51:20. The crowd were amazing once more and really helped all runners along and I had the energy to run the second half in 1:24:23 to break my PB by 43 seconds. The donations have been rolling in since I completed it and my total currently stands at just under £1900 for Anthony Nolan.”

Joe Welch