Gwenan Johnson writes, “London Marathon was a first for me. I had done Chester marathon in 2017 and it was enjoyable! London was a very different experience. It was an exciting adventure from the day I knew I had a place with North Wales Cancer Appeal until now even, a day after I have completed the race.
The marathon bus trip organisation was wonderful. It took all the pressure off me so all I needed to do was the running!!
Similar to Hywel, the first 30km were great and I felt good. Chris had somehow worked out from my parkrun 5 km time that I could do it sub 4:30! So I believed him. I followed the 4:15 pacer for 30 km until I felt that I needed to drop to my normal pace whatever that is. I don’t have a watch, I just go with what I feel is sustainable for the distance that is left. At 30km, my hips started to feel stiff but I knew if I just carried on at a slower pace I would get to the end. It was just like one lap of the mountain at home.
The support was fantastic all the way along – I noted it even more in the last 10km as I needed it by then. I met my family at mile 7 but missed them somehow at the next 2 point!
I met various people along the way to share my journey with – everyone had a story to tell. The charity start park was so inspiring. One man had run 200miles to get there, 40 miles a day over 5 days! Going over the finishing line was the icing on the cake. I felt so pleased to have completed it …. for myself, my family, the club and North Wales Cancer Appeal. I hope I will have made a small difference to someone’s life.
If you ever get a chance, I would definitely recommend it. I will probably try for another place one day but not just yet!!
I would like to thank everyone in Denbigh Harriers for their encouragement and support at all times. It is a great club!!”

Gwenan Johnson