Club info

The Denbigh Harriers running club was founded in 1991 by 19 runners from Denbigh and its environs. In its 30 year history, the club has grown to over 100 current members, with many more having participated over the years.

Denbigh Harriers also run a successful trail races attended by over 200 participants annually from all over the UK. Club members are also involved in running a number of other locally held races.

9 years ago, the club established a Run for Fun beginners to 5k course which over 100 participants have completed and 16 club members, including 4 who came to the club through this course, have qualified as run leaders. A third of current club membership has come through this programme.

We have a busy schedule of social events, including running events, and gatherings in which non-running family members can also participate.

The club is managed by a volunteer committee elected at the club’s Annual General Meeting held in January. The current club committee members for 2023/2024 are:

Chairperson Bob Neale

Treasurer Owen Conry

Secretary David Baugh

Membership Secretary Katy Baugh

Health & Welfare Officers (1 male/1female) Menai Baugh & Ed Brown (Non-committee member) 

Junior Representative Elen Baugh

Website/Coach Coordinator David Baugh

Press Officer Sioned Lloyd

Kit Officer Menai Baugh

Equipment Officer Tony Benton

Cross Country Captain Menai Baugh

GDPR Compliance Manager Sarah Bayliss

Committee Member Duncan Jones

Committee Member  Tony Wood

If you have a question or would like to find out more, contact us at

Accident reporting procedure 2022

Denbigh Harriers Accident Reporting Procedure

Codes of Conduct:

Code of Conduct for parents (2023)

Code of Conduct for Medical Officials (2020)

Code of Conduct – Club (2023)

Code of Conduct for Coaches (2023)

Code of Conduct for Athletes (2023)

Safeguarding policies and procedures:

Child Safeguarding Procedures

Child Safeguarding Policy

Adult Safeguarding Procedures

Adult Safeguarding Policy

To contact the club Welfare Officer email:

Denbigh Harriers Grievance Procedure (V1.0)

Denbigh Harriers Privacy Policy

UKA Anti Doping Rules