Author Archives: Alf Tupper

Noel Morris 2018 Handicap April Start List

The races this year will be on the first Tuesday evening of each month starting on 3rd April. This change to the first Tuesday is to try to accommodate the Fell runners and not clash with their midweek fell series. … Continue reading

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The official 2017 Johnson’s Results. (March 2018)

Every bit as energy-sappingly muddy underfoot as expected, but otherwise no wind and not cold at nearly 10C. Would have been much tougher if it had been raining! Possibly everybody was aware that it would be tough and only the … Continue reading

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Oswestry Results and Round-up of 2017/18 Season

Those of you who have seen the facebook pictures will realise that we had more than one amazing result this year. Possibly a factor in our success was the gruelling nature of the courses, requiring lots of  grit and determination. … Continue reading

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Not the Johnson’s after all.

Weather not quite as bad as predicted. Main roads and LC carpark clear enough to get in which made a huge difference. Somewhere to dump the kit – although the LC was open. Even so, zero degrees C and steady … Continue reading

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Johnson’s Handicap Start List 2018 (postponed from 2017)

Sunday 11th March 2018 – Revised date after previous arrangements in December 2017 were wiped out by blizzard. Compiling this list is an evolving programme, there being so many new runners that there will be a lot of changes over … Continue reading

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Llandudno Cross Country results

‘Storm Brian’ landed properly ten minutes before the men’s start and the 40+mph squalls hit hard on those of us worrying about when to take a layer or two off and warm up. Obviously the course was churned up by … Continue reading

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October Results

It stayed dry! Cold, though (12C), and a bit soggy, so as expected it wasn’t possible to threaten the records. Welcome to new member Mel, and potential new member, Ian. The series competition was wrapped up by Katy last month … Continue reading

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October Start List

Previous experience shows that there is just enough light to get round the course providing we start at SIX (6pm). Nobody can beat Katy to win the series championship but 2nd and 3rd are very much up for grabs. Trophies are … Continue reading

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September Results

A remarkable number of people ran this one considering the heavy rain and the fact that many are in the middle of heavy races and training at present. A distinctly autumnal evening and an unscheduled course change due to an … Continue reading

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September Start List

Only two races to go to complete the 2017 series. Some readjustments to the starting times for those struggling with long-term injuries, hoping they might want to try to come back soon. The rules for those in contention are that … Continue reading

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