Author Archives: Alf Tupper

August Results

Heartfelt thanks to Dawn and Steve for officiating. It enabled me to run for the first time since June last year when there were similar conditions of pleasant temperature, no wind, and dry ground. Obviously good racing conditions, and both … Continue reading

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August Start List

Number Five in the series and the opportunity for one or two to get a completed points score under their belts, after which they can drop their worst scores for something better in September/October. 6.27 Ron 6.30 Mari J 6.31 … Continue reading

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July Results

Hot, 26C, but dry heat with a breeze. Firm ground and short grass. Obviously the England v Columbia game was an alternative attraction – and I suspect that some were resting before the Ruthin 5K tomorrow – so numbers were … Continue reading

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July Start List

One or two corrections to the start times, but overall everybody has recent performances (or expected improvements) to get them to within a minute of the notional finish time of 7.04pm. Frankly, we can’t cope with a blanket finish, so … Continue reading

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June Results

Completely different conditions this month, with ground so hard that the ruts made it tricky on the ankles and the grass was lengthy in places. However, it was warm (20C) and sunny with no wind, so the best conditions this … Continue reading

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June Handicap Start List

The rumour is that it will be summer, so it might be warm and dry but don’t depend on it! Update 3rd June. And here we are – summer. Indeed, vastly better weather since we shivered at the finish in … Continue reading

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May Handicap Results

The weather is definitely improving in that it didn’t rain properly to add to the degree of mud on the course, although the wind and cloud made the temperature barely in double figures. So  still cold for those of us … Continue reading

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May Handicap Start List

The first Tuesday evening in May. Hopefully it will be a bit drier than April’s race. As usual, if you aren’t on the list contact me via the club facebook page. 6.25 Mari 6.30 Ron, Ruth, Diane 6.31 Sharon 6.32 … Continue reading

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Noel Morris Handicap April Results

Storm clouds were gathering but the first runners went off in sunshine which at first made the digital clock (thanks Roger) difficult to read. That soon changed as the squall moved through and temperatures dropped. Dawn, in difficulties again with … Continue reading

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Denbigh 10K and 5K races 25th March 2018

A very hard frost overnight made a warm-up period essential for these early morning races, but sunny conditions with no wind boded well for fast times. Unfortunately the hilly terrain didn’t! The 10K must be one of the hardest races … Continue reading

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