Author Archives: Alf Tupper

Noel Morris Memorial Handicap – April Results

Slotting in neatly between the hailstorms – brilliantly organised by Rob P and Kate – this was a much more exciting race than in March, mainly because there were more people (27) with tighter handicapping. It was cold (7C), and … Continue reading

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April Start List

Tuesday evening 2nd April is your next chance to get on the scoreboard for this year’s Noel Morris Memorial Handicap Series. Rob P has kindly offered to officiate so I hope to give Bob and Victoria a run for their … Continue reading

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March 2019 Results

Wet but not windy, and rather cold at 6C, so some sogginess on the lower slopes made for an advantage for the stronger people. Sixteen of our hardier souls turned out, and a big “diolch” to Gwenan for her large … Continue reading

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March 2019 Start List

Another Spring approaches and another Noel Morris Memorial Handicap series. As usual if your name isn’t on the list below and you want to run, please let me know on facebook, or just turn up on the night – remembering … Continue reading

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Johnson’s Handicap Results December 2018

Not quite midwinter and not quite as cold (6C) or wet as expected given the high wind and rainfall yesterday. Mud was definitely on the ground but not as thick as last year, so altogether one of the better years … Continue reading

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December 2018 Johnson’s Start List

Sunday December 16th from the LC. The classic 6 miles (give or take a bit depending on any unexpected obstacles) starting on Ystrad Road, taking in Sparrow’s Field, Johnson’s Cottage (more than derelict), Johnson’s Monument, and Mr. McGregor’s Garden wall. … Continue reading

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October (Final 2018) Results

Rain, 13C, and relative to the rest of the summer this was dreadful weather. On the other hand, if one could re-programme the head to winter conditions, this should have beenĀ  very good for fast times and a fitting end … Continue reading

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October Start List

The final race of the 2018 series. The top three all have chances to win it outright, and Tony W is a mathematical possibility for a podium spot (though not for the gold). NOTE 6pm START (due to the gathering … Continue reading

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September Results

Perfect conditions – 16C and sunny with little wind, short grass and dry ground – the only problem being that the ditch had been dredged and made deeper. Diane made a very good effort to win this one but was … Continue reading

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September Start List

Only Diane has done 5 races so far and must be looking for a podium place but there are several with 3 or 4 in the bag who should now be looking to complete the series. With only two races … Continue reading

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