Pre- Johnson’s weekend results (14th/15th November).

Fairly atrocious weather on both days and a paucity of people competing, but some confirmation that the handicaps are in the right ball-park. Anwen and Chris are clearly not as used to imbibing the weekend falling-down water as some we know, but plenty of time to get that aspect up to speed before the real thing on 20th December. That is the annual opportunity to gain everlasting fame with your name on the perpetual trophy (or the ‘battered cup’), or perhaps go for a listing under the ‘age group best’ heading. This year there are new M60s in particular, and possibly the chance to see Shaun or Tony W get at Fred’s overall record. The times below are gathered together as though one race.

………………………….Finishing time…..Actual time

1st Emma………………11.20.43…………….50:43

2nd Bob………………..11.20.54……………..60:54

3rd David………………11.20.57……………..48:57

4th Arwel……………….11.21.00…………….57:00

5th =Mel……………….11.21.??……………..50:33 (late start)

5th = Vic………………..11.21.06 …………..48:06

7th Elen ……………….11.21.56……………..56:56

8th Anwen…………….11.21.58……………..61:58

9th Menai……………..11.22.09…………….62:09

10th Peter……………..11.22.19……………..58:19

11th Tony B…………..11.23.05…………….55:05

12th Katy………………11.23.10……………..53:10

13th = Julie……………11.25.41……………..72:41

13th = Ian………………11.25.41……………..72:41

dnf – Chris – drifting off Bob’s pace when fortuitously fell over. But solo effort on 26/11/20 was done in 60:47, giving a notional finish time of 11.21.47am.


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